新奧 11.7%
ibond 7.3%
騰訊 5.8%
中信證券 4.5%
領匯 4.5%
金鷹 4.4%
威高 3.5%
中生製藥 3.4%
港交所 3.0%
中銀香港 2.8%
合共 50.8%
答:傳統保險公司賣保險,通常有約20年、30年保證年期及回報。保險公司就投資在國債、長期債券、物業及股票市場,去償付回報。但在亞洲,就欠缺20年至30年年期的債券投資。保險公司普遍面對極大的asset liability maturity mismatch(資產負債成熟期不匹配)的風險。
比如說,如果保險公司保證你20年5%回報的產品,但今天它最長年期只可以投資在10年的7%回報的資產。沒錯保險公司在初期是賺到錢,但是如果十年後利率是2%,保險公司到時候就有很大的問題。尤其當市場利率長期低迷,公司就面對長期虧損,甚至面臨倒閉的風險。日本在九十年代出現長期低利率,這種negative spread令保險公司出現重大虧損。最後日本人壽保險業幾乎全軍覆沒,要由政府出手救助。其實中國大陸、台灣、韓國都有類似的問題,但是沒有那麼嚴重。
答:傳統保險公司賣保險,通常有約20年、30年保證年期及回報。保險公司就投資在國債、長期債券、物業及股票市場,去償付回報。但在亞洲,就欠缺20年至30年年期的債券投資。保險公司普遍面對極大的asset liability maturity mismatch(資產負債成熟期不匹配)的風險。
比如說,如果保險公司保證你20年5%回報的產品,但今天它最長年期只可以投資在10年的7%回報的資產。沒錯保險公司在初期是賺到錢,但是如果十年後利率是2%,保險公司到時候就有很大的問題。尤其當市場利率長期低迷,公司就面對長期虧損,甚至面臨倒閉的風險。日本在九十年代出現長期低利率,這種negative spread令保險公司出現重大虧損。最後日本人壽保險業幾乎全軍覆沒,要由政府出手救助。其實中國大陸、台灣、韓國都有類似的問題,但是沒有那麼嚴重。
問:Joe,你剛剛提到亞洲面對maturity mismatch,但香港未有很成熟的債券市場,會否面對同樣的問題?
香港保險業其中一個優勢原來就來自與美元掛鈎,令保險公司有不同年期、不同cash flow(tresuary, mbs, abs),不同資產質素(government bond, corportae bond)的債券去選擇,可以推出非常多元化的產品,有利吸引需要財富管理的客戶。
財經茄哩啡(完) - 唉! 又少一個好專欄
如果將全地球投資者放埋一齊,多數會形成一個「常態分布」(Normal Distribution),最右邊,總會有一兩個巴菲特李嘉誠,靠投資眼光賺到變首富,最左邊,又必定有人輸突幾十副身家。
(FROM AM730)
如果將全地球投資者放埋一齊,多數會形成一個「常態分布」(Normal Distribution),最右邊,總會有一兩個巴菲特李嘉誠,靠投資眼光賺到變首富,最左邊,又必定有人輸突幾十副身家。
(FROM AM730)
貨幣基礎 x Multiplier = 貨幣供應。貨幣供應常能影響產品及金融資產價格,當然如果Multiplier收縮,貨幣供應未有增加的話,影響便不會大。不過香港的Multiplier穩定,相信貨幣供應理應有所上升。
貨幣基礎 x Multiplier = 貨幣供應。貨幣供應常能影響產品及金融資產價格,當然如果Multiplier收縮,貨幣供應未有增加的話,影響便不會大。不過香港的Multiplier穩定,相信貨幣供應理應有所上升。
讀書摘要: 上流力, 陳振康著
大部份內容都是一些老生常談的大道理,例如走出自己的comfort zone, 「無辦法」到「讓我想想辦法」,主要都是建議讀者要有正面思維。所謂知易行難,一本好書除了「講道理」外,其實應該有多點教人如何具體落實的方法,否則就只是得個講。例如,一位老闆問,公司如何可以賺更多,如果下屬只是答:「賣多些貨! 提高margin! 減少存貨!」這些阿媽原來是女人的答案,肯定會被老闆炒魷。
不過該書亦有可取之處,例如叫人善用網上社交工具等,亦能inspire我的一些想法。其推薦的一本書<The Greatness Guide>,我希望在閱後可以撰寫讀書摘要。
-We won't regret if we fail, we only regret if we don't try
-The Greatness Guide
-別人靠什麼記起你? (建立自己鮮明形象)
大部份內容都是一些老生常談的大道理,例如走出自己的comfort zone, 「無辦法」到「讓我想想辦法」,主要都是建議讀者要有正面思維。所謂知易行難,一本好書除了「講道理」外,其實應該有多點教人如何具體落實的方法,否則就只是得個講。例如,一位老闆問,公司如何可以賺更多,如果下屬只是答:「賣多些貨! 提高margin! 減少存貨!」這些阿媽原來是女人的答案,肯定會被老闆炒魷。
不過該書亦有可取之處,例如叫人善用網上社交工具等,亦能inspire我的一些想法。其推薦的一本書<The Greatness Guide>,我希望在閱後可以撰寫讀書摘要。
-We won't regret if we fail, we only regret if we don't try
-The Greatness Guide
-別人靠什麼記起你? (建立自己鮮明形象)
中石化(386)聯手新奧能源(2688)計劃收購中國燃氣(384),引起長達10個月的紛爭,終於來一個了斷。於中燃成功迫使中石化撤回收購之際,雙方再進行戰略合作,並同意讓中石化及其他戰略股東以認購新股或其他方式投資,事情看以龐大,實則「十劃未有一撇」,看來是以虛招為各方打圓場而已。 記者:楊智佳
CKH proposes to dispose of and separately list the extended stay hotels business operated by the company at the hotels by way of a listing of stapled securities on the main board of the stock exchange.
CKH and HWL will retain less than 30% interest in Horizon Hospitality investments, which will cease to be a subsidiary of the company.
Information on the Hotels
1) Horizon Suite Hotel is a 15-storey hotel which opened in 2002 and is located in Ma On Shan, Shatin,
the New Territories, Hong Kong. It has a GFA of approximately 595,900 sq. ft., with 831 suites and
42 parking spaces and had an Occupancy Rate of approximately 88.6% during the six months ended
30 June 2012. The Group and HWL have a 51% and 49% interest, respectively, in this hotel and the
government lease for the lot on which this hotel was built will expire in 2048.
2) Harbourfront Horizon All-Suite Hotel is located in Hung Hom Bay, Kowloon, Hong Kong and
opened in 2007. It has 1,662 suites in five towers with a GFA of approximately 1,202,600 sq. ft.
and 20 car parking spaces. It had an Occupancy Rate of approximately 91.0% during the six months
ended 30 June 2012. The Group has a 100% interest in this hotel and the government lease for the lot
on which this hotel was built will expire in 2051.
3) Harbourview Horizon All-Suite Hotel is located in Hung Hom Bay, Kowloon, Hong Kong and
opened in 2006. It has 1,980 suites in three towers with a GFA of approximately 1,264,500 sq. ft.
and 400 car parking spaces. It had an Occupancy Rate of approximately 92.3% during the six months
ended 30 June 2012. The Group has a 100% interest in this hotel and the government lease for the lot
on which this hotel will expire in 2051.
4) The Apex Horizon is a 36-storey hotel which opened in 2009 and is located in Kwai Chung, the
New Territories, Hong Kong. It has a GFA of approximately 257,100 sq. ft., with 360 suites and 3
car parking spaces. It had an Occupancy Rate of approximately 94.0% during the six months ended
30 June 2012. The Group has a 100% interest in this hotel and the government lease for the lot on
which this hotel was built will expire in 2052.
Horizon Hospitality Investments intends to distribute during the term of the deed of trust all of the
distributions which it receives from Horizon Hospitality (Holdings), after deducting operating expenses.
It is currently intended that Horizon Hospitality (Holdings) will declare and distribute (i) 100% of the
Total Distributable Amount of the Horizon Group in respect of each financial year ending 31 December
2012, 2013 and 2014 and (ii) not less than 90% of the Total Distributable Amount in respect of each
financial year thereafter, to the Trustee-Manager to fund distributions to be made by Horizon Hospitality
誠哥又出售資產莫非又是見頂時? 今次是採用信托方式出售上市,派息比率頗豐厚,且看財務數據公布的估值才判斷。
CKH and HWL will retain less than 30% interest in Horizon Hospitality investments, which will cease to be a subsidiary of the company.
Information on the Hotels
1) Horizon Suite Hotel is a 15-storey hotel which opened in 2002 and is located in Ma On Shan, Shatin,
the New Territories, Hong Kong. It has a GFA of approximately 595,900 sq. ft., with 831 suites and
42 parking spaces and had an Occupancy Rate of approximately 88.6% during the six months ended
30 June 2012. The Group and HWL have a 51% and 49% interest, respectively, in this hotel and the
government lease for the lot on which this hotel was built will expire in 2048.
2) Harbourfront Horizon All-Suite Hotel is located in Hung Hom Bay, Kowloon, Hong Kong and
opened in 2007. It has 1,662 suites in five towers with a GFA of approximately 1,202,600 sq. ft.
and 20 car parking spaces. It had an Occupancy Rate of approximately 91.0% during the six months
ended 30 June 2012. The Group has a 100% interest in this hotel and the government lease for the lot
on which this hotel was built will expire in 2051.
3) Harbourview Horizon All-Suite Hotel is located in Hung Hom Bay, Kowloon, Hong Kong and
opened in 2006. It has 1,980 suites in three towers with a GFA of approximately 1,264,500 sq. ft.
and 400 car parking spaces. It had an Occupancy Rate of approximately 92.3% during the six months
ended 30 June 2012. The Group has a 100% interest in this hotel and the government lease for the lot
on which this hotel will expire in 2051.
4) The Apex Horizon is a 36-storey hotel which opened in 2009 and is located in Kwai Chung, the
New Territories, Hong Kong. It has a GFA of approximately 257,100 sq. ft., with 360 suites and 3
car parking spaces. It had an Occupancy Rate of approximately 94.0% during the six months ended
30 June 2012. The Group has a 100% interest in this hotel and the government lease for the lot on
which this hotel was built will expire in 2052.
Horizon Hospitality Investments intends to distribute during the term of the deed of trust all of the
distributions which it receives from Horizon Hospitality (Holdings), after deducting operating expenses.
It is currently intended that Horizon Hospitality (Holdings) will declare and distribute (i) 100% of the
Total Distributable Amount of the Horizon Group in respect of each financial year ending 31 December
2012, 2013 and 2014 and (ii) not less than 90% of the Total Distributable Amount in respect of each
financial year thereafter, to the Trustee-Manager to fund distributions to be made by Horizon Hospitality
誠哥又出售資產莫非又是見頂時? 今次是採用信托方式出售上市,派息比率頗豐厚,且看財務數據公布的估值才判斷。
department store (1833) announced the total sales growth and SSSG for the 9
months ended 30 Sep 2012 was 16.6% and 7.5% vs 16.8% and 9.2% for the first 6
Japan's top three
carmakers yesterday said their sales in China dived last month in the wake of
anti-Japan protests over disputed islands in the East China Sea. Toyota's drop was the steepest, with monthly sales falling 48.9
per cent year on year to 44,100 vehicles. Nissan's sales fell 35.3 per cent to
76,066 while Honda's dived 40.5 per cent to 33,931 units.
Top 10 funds available in Hong Kong - SCMP
Tracker Fund of Hong Kong (2800) The first ETF to hit Asia outside of Japan. It was created from the Hong Kong government-led massive intervention in the local share market in 1998, at the height of the Asian financial crisis. The government launched the fund to sell the shares.
The fund very efficiently does its job of tracking the Hang Seng Index - it has one of the lowest tracking errors seen among Hong Kong ETFs. The fund physically owns big chunks of the stocks underlying the index, which means it does not have to rely on derivatives or tricks to replicate the index performance, or complications like dividends payments. It's fairly simple and transparent - and it's cheap: expenses are just 0.15 per cent annually.
ABF Hong Kong Bond Index Fund (2819) This ETF holds Hong Kong government and quasi-government bonds (for example, MTR Corp debt). The fund fact sheet indicates a yield of just 3.6 per cent - but the management fee of 0.12 per cent is cheap. It gives exposure to Hong Kong government bonds that offer some cover against inflation, and with very low risk of default.
The fund works for investors who want exposure to safe bonds without losing their returns to manager fees.
ABF Pan Asia Bond Index Fund (2821) Another ETF, this one comprising Asian local currency debt. It's the same story as above - cheap and simple. The assets are riskier than above, but gains tend to be higher. The fund reported returns of 6.45 per cent in 2011. Asian currency bonds are volatile as they involve steep currency risks. But if this is the exposure you seek, this fund offers it, and for a low fee (total expenses are just 0.19 per cent).
Pimco Total Return Fund The world's largest bond fund focuses on government and government-connected issuers from around the world. Its annualised return for the past five years was 7.57 per cent, thanks to the fund's ability to invest in high yield securities, including emerging market debt of wide-ranging currencies. Management fee is 1.4 per cent.
The fund is also heavily invested in mortgage-backed securities which are benefiting from the United States Federal Reserve's current round of quantitative easing. (See Talking Points, page six.)
Value Partners Classic Fund The fund invests in Asia Pacific stocks with a focus on China equities. Returns are volatile year to year, but it has generated an average annualised return of 16.1 per cent since inception, in 1993. The management fee is 1.25 per cent, and a performance fee kicks in if the fund meets certain benchmarks. The fund has climbed 17 times in value since launch, versus a 294 per cent rise in the Hang Seng Index.
Schroder Asian Equity Yield The fund holds an array of Asian blue chips that pay generous dividends. As of end-August the fund delivered a 20.46 per cent return for 2012, more than double that of the MSCI All Country Pacific Index, an Asian equities benchmark. The management fee is 1.5 per cent.
Fidelity US High Yield Fund Hong Kong private bank investment specialists rate Fidelity's expertise in high-yield bond investing. This fund focuses on US securities. The yearly fee is low for actively managed funds, at 1 per cent, and for the past five years it has generated an annualised return of 8 per cent.
"The portfolio is highly diversified - 400-plus holdings - which reduces the inherent risk of the asset class," says a private banking product specialist.
Aberdeen Global - Asia Pacific Equity Fund The fund is a play on a rising Asia Pacific economies, and is exposed to all the volatilities of such growth. The annual management fee is a high 1.75 per cent. But it has performance to back that up: the fund has risen twelvefold since its launch in 1988, almost double the performance of the MSCI All Country Asia Pacific Ex Japan index.
Aberdeen Global - Select Emerging Markets Bond Fund The fund invests in some exotic debt, such as government bonds from Ivory Coast and Croatia. The average rating of its bond is BBB-, or the very cusp of investment grade, and it holds much that is below that level. The five year return is about 50 per cent, and regularly beats its benchmark, a JP Morgan emerging markets bond index. Management fee is 1.5 per cent.
First State China Growth The fund holds an array of China stocks, including those listed in the mainland (A and B shares). The management fee is high at 2 per cent per annum, but the fund has risen eightfold since its start in 1999 and usually outperforms its benchmark, the MSCI China.
Wyman Leung, an investment specialist for Altruist Financial, recommends the fund on the strength of the fund manager, Martin Lau. "His funds have a good and consistent track record, and this one stands out," says Leung.
鳯凰衞視的機會來自於其新媒體業務,該業務有效leverage其電視業務制作節目的成本。smartphone 普及的情況下,得內容者得天下,這是鳯凰衞視擁有的本錢(當然tvb亦擁有強大內容,幸好tvb主要優勢來自其劇集)
至於資本開支及現金流方面,過去4年,公司的資本開支2-4億港元為間,2008年2.78億港元、 2009年3.33億港元、2010年2.45億港元及2011年3.68億港元,與其盈利及經營現金流相若,顯示公司未有太多自由現金流。
資料來源: 價值透視
鳯凰衞視的機會來自於其新媒體業務,該業務有效leverage其電視業務制作節目的成本。smartphone 普及的情況下,得內容者得天下,這是鳯凰衞視擁有的本錢(當然tvb亦擁有強大內容,幸好tvb主要優勢來自其劇集)
至於資本開支及現金流方面,過去4年,公司的資本開支2-4億港元為間,2008年2.78億港元、 2009年3.33億港元、2010年2.45億港元及2011年3.68億港元,與其盈利及經營現金流相若,顯示公司未有太多自由現金流。
股東名稱 |
劉長樂 |
中移動(香港) |
星空傳媒 |
中銀集團 |
羅嘉瑞 |
公眾投資者 |
總數 |
資料來源: 價值透視
Lenovo to start PC production in US next year - SCMP
Lenovo, the world's second-biggest supplier of personal computers, will start a production line for its Think brand notebooks, desktops and media tablet in the US next year.
The Hong Kong-listed company's first United States manufacturing operation will be in Guilford county in North Carolina, where it built a US$10 million fulfilment centre in 2008 to process orders in the country. The addition of a production line would cost US$2 million, according to a report yesterday in North Carolina's The News and Observer newspaper.
David Schmoock, the president of Lenovo's North America operations, told the paper that the initiative "reflects our confidence in the US PC market". He said Lenovo did not receive state or local incentives for the expansion.
Market research firm IDC said Lenovo was the fourth-ranked personal computer brand in the US in the second quarter of this year, with a market share of 8 per cent. It ranked behind leader Hewlett-Packard (HP), Dell and Apple.
Lenovo has described the US manufacturing operation as "the latest investment in Lenovo's aggressive strategy to expand its in-house manufacturing capabilities around the world".
A statement from the office of North Carolina governor Beverly Perdue said Lenovo was expected to create 115 jobs for the proposed production line.
The computer maker is expected to make a formal announcement of its US manufacturing plan today.
Its 200,000 square foot North Carolina facility employs a staff of 160.
Lenovo, which acquired the PC division of International Business Machines in 2005, has about 26,000 employees based in more than 60 countries. It does business in more than 160 markets worldwide.
The US production initiative will mark the latest strategic expansion effort in the Americas for Lenovo, which has corporate headquarters in Beijing and in Morrisville, North Carolina.
Last month, Lenovo announced its acquisition of Comercio de Componentes Electronicos (CCE), a personal computer and consumer electronics manufacturer in Brazil, for 300 million Brazilian reals (HK$1.15 billion) in cash and stock. The deal is expected to be finalised in the first quarter of next year.
"This move more than doubles our PC market share in Brazil, one of the world's fastest-growing and most important technology markets," Lenovo chairman and chief executive Yang Yuanqing said last month.
Bernstein Research senior analyst Alberto Moel said the CCE acquisition would push Lenovo's market share to No3 in Brazil, behind Positivo Informatica and HP.
Lenovo said its present business plan in Brazil did not anticipate any workforce restructurings as a result of the acquisition. CCE, which runs three business divisions, has about 5,900 employees.
The company also announced last month the acquisition of Stoneware, a US firm that specialises in cloud computing software and services. It employs 67 staff in Utah and Indiana.
Bottom-up approach keeps manager in the picture - SCMP
Uncertain times call for nerves of steel for fund managers who must stay focused on the long term
INVESTORS DRIVEN by broad market trends in recent years will have ridden a roller coaster of emotions - and returns - as sentiment lurched through one crisis after another.
For a fund manager, therefore, the key to long-term outperformance is an ability to hold your nerve and avoid becoming a slave to market sentiment.
'It's fair to say over the last five years that the macro side of things has been very confusing,' said Martin Lau, director of Greater China Equities for First State Investments (HK).
'Investors have been confronted with concerns about the US economy, the Hong Kong property market, global demand, hard landings for China, a revaluation of the yuan, a collapse of the Hong Kong currency peg - the list goes on.'
Troubled and uncertain times they might have been, but few of these crises ever materialised.
Managing the US$194.6 million in assets in the First State Greater China Growth fund and the US$135.1 million in the First State Hong Kong Growth fund was made easier against this background by the 'bottom-up' approach to stock selection.
Over the past three years, the China Fund generated an award-winning 191.6 per cent cumulative return, barely changed from a cumulative return over five years of 191.4 per cent.
The Hong Kong Fund returned investors 157.7 per cent over three years, and 95.1 per cent over five years.
'We keep the macro picture in mind, but don't use that as reason to invest. Sure, if the global economy is doing great, we wouldn't mind buying a company that is sensitive to rates. But in this scenario, it must be particularly well insulated from interest rate risk or present some compelling reason why it would continue to do well even if the economic growth picture changed.'
With such a bottom-up approach to investment decisions, a target company would be closely examined with respect to criteria, such as whether its market share was growing because of a competitive cost structure, or whether it had 'pricing power' and was able to pass on increased costs to its customers.
This long-term focus might mean that stock picking leaves the two funds under Mr Lau's management vulnerable to short-term volatility, but underperforming rivals in quarterly growth reports is something that the investment team is quite content with. If investors wished to cut and run based on a quarterly report, they were welcome to do so, Mr Lau said. The manager's eye will remain fixed on long-term results.
'Those who are slaves to market sentiment get caught in the middle, and for our team it comes down to two things. When the market is performing strongly - as it was in January, for instance - there is a prospect we may underperform because in these circumstances a monkey can outperform by simply picking the highest beta stock.'
Educating First State investors, therefore, was a job for the fund manager.
'The last thing you want is to allow clients to drive what you do every day. Chinese banks, for example, have recently been going up strongly and a manager might be tempted, because of the momentum, to climb aboard,' he said.
'But the way we look at this is from absolute perspective. If you buy Chinese banks today you are increasing absolute risk, and you shouldn't be buying just because others are buying.
'The way to outperform the benchmark peer group over time is to have a keen understanding of what you are doing and to avoid situations where you allow clients or indexes to put you under pressure.'
Investing decisions for the China Fund, for instance, were based on the understanding that consumption would be the key driver of both macroeconomic growth and corporate earnings growth. At about 28 per cent a year, investment growth was unsustainable.
So the China Fund was light on commodities - foregoing the supercharged returns that might have been made over the past 12 months - and had a bias towards consumer stocks.
Meanwhile, concerns over a yuan revaluation triggered a popular aversion to Chinese exporters, based on the argument that a more expensive yuan would price their products out of their export markets.
'Ask people what they want to avoid in China and the most popular answer is avoid exporters,' Mr Lau said. 'But because of our bottom-up approach, we can pick those undervalued stocks up because we investigate to establish whether their share prices have overcompensated for the risks.'
Accordingly, export-oriented stocks are well represented in the China Fund's top holdings, with a prime candidate being Lung Kee.
The choice illuminates that bottom-up process favoured by Mr Lau, since Lung Kee is not an exporter but the domestic Chinese companies to whom it sells its moulds use them to manufacture for the export market. By Mr Lau's estimate, this means that about 70 per cent of its revenues are therefore export-oriented.
It is also a dominant player and hence possesses that elusive pricing power concept.
The Lung Kee price chart shows plenty of short-term volatility. But shut out the noise and the stock moved from a 12-month low of $4.92 to a 12-month high of $6.15. At the time of writing, it was priced at about $5.80.
In Hong Kong, the challenge was the same - taking a long-term view and holding one's nerve as property prices surged 70 per cent from their Asian crisis trough, hauling office rentals in their train.
'That sort of growth is unsustainable and we looked instead to the next driver for Hong Kong earnings,' Mr Lau said.
Management quality tops the list of criteria. This means management must be incentivised with share option schemes and be sympathetic to the concerns of minority shareholders. Over the long term, the key ingredient would be exposure to China.
'Hong Kong is quite a mature economy. But companies here know how to do business and, hopefully, better than some [mainland] Chinese companies, and the future of Hong Kong is in China.'
Indeed, as a fund manager he is already having a little difficulty distinguishing between the two.
15 Sep 2012
Macro view
The Federal Reserve announced bold steps Thursday to stimulate the still-weak US economy and reduce high unemployment, saying it will spend $40 billion a month to buy mortgage-backed securities for long as necessary.
400 p.m. x 12 = 4800 p.m. scale is less than QE1 & QE2
Also, the central bank extended a plan to keep short-term interest rates at record lows - close to zero - through mid-2015, or six months longer than it had planned.
Analysis: + dividend plays. Stock market should reflect the news in this few days. However, the outlook of China fundamental is still being concern, share price may pull-back.
10 Sep 2012
Macro review:
DOW | 13,306.64 | +0.11% | |
S&P 500 | 1,437.92 | +0.40% | |
NASDAQ | 3,136.42 | +0.02% | |
TR US INDEX | 130.22 | +0.45% |
10-Year | 1.625 | 08/15/2022 | 99-24 / 1.65 | 0-07½ / -0.026 | 21:00 |
3-Month Libor | 0.41 | 0.44 | 0.47 | 0.47 | 0.34 |
7 Sep 2012
德拉吉表示,將推出「貨幣直接交易」計劃(monetary outright transactions,MOT),無上限購入三年內到期國債,並放棄優先債權人地位。有關計劃並非獲歐央行管理委員會全體一致贊成,其中有一名成員反對,但重申有關計劃符合歐央行的權限,歐元區的發展進程是不可逆轉的。德拉吉又表示,將會放寬央行貸款擔保標準,終止最低信貸評級門檻要求,讓銀行更容易獲得救助。
4 Sep 2012
Macro review:
US market closed as holiday
信 貸 評 級 機 構 穆 迪 投 資 把 歐 盟 的 前 景 評 級 調 低 至 「 負 面 」 , 又 警 告 如 果 德 國 、 法 國 、 英 國 及 荷 蘭 的 主 權 評 級 被 降 低 , 歐 盟 的 AAA 評 級 亦 會 下 調 。
Analysis: 調低至負面已在市場預計之內,評級機構應不會調低歐盟的AAA評級。
歐 洲 央 行 總 裁 德 拉 吉 表 示 , 央 行 購 入 短 期 主 權 債 券 並 不 違 反 歐 盟 規 定 。 他 的 言 論 增 加 市 場 對 央 行 本 周 四 再 推 資 購 買 產 產 計 劃 的 方 能 性 。
外 電 引 述 德 拉 吉 星 期 一 出 席 歐 洲 議 會 閉 門 會 議 上 的 講 話 , 表 示 歐 洲 央 行 在 二 手 市 場 購 入 3 年 或 以 下 年 期 的 債 券 , 帶 來 的 貨 幣 融 資 效 應 非 常 低 。
歐 盟 條 約 禁 止 央 行 購 入 成 員 國 政 府 債 權 , 認 為 向 成 員 國 融 資 會 引 發 通 脹 。
Analysis: 市場預計周四德拉吉可能公布買債計劃,但預計因時間不足,德拉吉應難有具體計劃公布。而且歐洲央行需要待德國法院下周就買債是否違憲裁決,所以預計不會有具體計劃公布。
Implication: 市場可能會失望,但整體仍要視乎德拉吉言論,是否非常正面。認為向下機會稍高。
AIA: lockups that expire soon, estimate will expire on Sep 4 2012 (180 days from the last
AIA deal) AIG lockup of AIA: 18.6% of total, or 2.2bn shares (US$7.6bn at Aug 31 close) with
no other remaining AIA shares locked up with AIG (or other parties).
Analysis: like AIA’s fundamentals though we acknowledge that near-term share price would depend on AIG’s moves: 1) Favorable growth exposure: Pure AEJ play on consumer finance. 50%+ of new business comes from developing markets, with 40%+ from EMs in ASEAN (where consumer finance is the strongest); 2) Restructuring story still intact: AIA’s new business margin improved from 33% to 42% since 2010, the closest comp Pru Asia also delivered solid improvement (from 45% to 51%), indicating still ample room for catch-up; 3) Strong backbook capital generation of US$2.5bn+/yr more than covers new business strain (2011: US$1.1bn), leaving room for capital management (though not AIA’s current priority).
US market closed as holiday
Currency | Value | Change | % Change | 52-WK High | 52-WK Low | Date/Time |
EUR-USD | 1.2587 | -0.0006 | -0.05% | 1.4248 | 1.2042 | 20:03:13 |
WTI CRUDE FUTURE (USD/bbl.) | 96.860 | 0.390 | 0.40% | 19:53 |
GOLD 100 OZ FUTR (USD/t oz.) | 1,694.600 | 7.000 | 0.41% | 19:55 |
信 貸 評 級 機 構 穆 迪 投 資 把 歐 盟 的 前 景 評 級 調 低 至 「 負 面 」 , 又 警 告 如 果 德 國 、 法 國 、 英 國 及 荷 蘭 的 主 權 評 級 被 降 低 , 歐 盟 的 AAA 評 級 亦 會 下 調 。
Analysis: 調低至負面已在市場預計之內,評級機構應不會調低歐盟的AAA評級。
歐 洲 央 行 總 裁 德 拉 吉 表 示 , 央 行 購 入 短 期 主 權 債 券 並 不 違 反 歐 盟 規 定 。 他 的 言 論 增 加 市 場 對 央 行 本 周 四 再 推 資 購 買 產 產 計 劃 的 方 能 性 。
外 電 引 述 德 拉 吉 星 期 一 出 席 歐 洲 議 會 閉 門 會 議 上 的 講 話 , 表 示 歐 洲 央 行 在 二 手 市 場 購 入 3 年 或 以 下 年 期 的 債 券 , 帶 來 的 貨 幣 融 資 效 應 非 常 低 。
歐 盟 條 約 禁 止 央 行 購 入 成 員 國 政 府 債 權 , 認 為 向 成 員 國 融 資 會 引 發 通 脹 。
Analysis: 市場預計周四德拉吉可能公布買債計劃,但預計因時間不足,德拉吉應難有具體計劃公布。而且歐洲央行需要待德國法院下周就買債是否違憲裁決,所以預計不會有具體計劃公布。
Implication: 市場可能會失望,但整體仍要視乎德拉吉言論,是否非常正面。認為向下機會稍高。
AIA: lockups that expire soon, estimate will expire on Sep 4 2012 (180 days from the last
AIA deal) AIG lockup of AIA: 18.6% of total, or 2.2bn shares (US$7.6bn at Aug 31 close) with
no other remaining AIA shares locked up with AIG (or other parties).
消息稱,由於雅培在今年3月被CER Research指其生產的喜康寶奶粉,未能達到中國的乳清蛋白比例標準,儘管雅倍已作回應,但聲譽受到一定程度影響,故雅培會較落力去搶回流失的份額。而雅士利及合生元合外資財團胃口,最大考慮是兩者市盈率較雀巢收購惠氏的23.6倍市盈率為低,相對吸引,其中雅士利在二三線城市擁有較強銷售網絡,市佔率逾5%,在外資眼中或較有吸引力。
CKI buys into Australian wind power distribution
Cheung Kong Infrastructure (CKI) plans to buy a power distribution business in Australia, its fourth in that country and the second overseas investment it has unveiled in just over a month.
CKI, the diversified infrastructure company controlled by Li Ka-shing, has formed a 50-50 joint venture with sister firm and partner Power Assets, called Transmission Operations Australia (TOA), to build, own and operate A$33.6 million (HK$268 million) worth of power transmission infrastructure that transports power generated from turbines at a 130-megawatt Mt Mercer wind farm to a power grid in the state of Victoria.
聯想擬收購手機設備商 |
News sources: Appledaily, SCMP, Bloomberg, Reuters
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